An upcoming Huawei smartphone with specifications such as 6,000mAh battery has been spotted on China's certification website TENAA. The model number of the phone MGA-AL00 has been mentioned. Although the photo of the phone has not been given in the listing, but its specifications are mentioned here. It is being said to be a midrange phone which can be launched with great features at a low price. In this, a dual camera can be seen in the rear. Camera specifications are not mentioned in this listing. It will be a 4G phone and can be seen with a 6.75-inch OLED display panel. Obviously, the phone will come with strong specifications but there is no indication about its price yet.
The Huawei MGA-AL00 has also been approved by China's 3C certification site earlier in January. It is quite possible that the company can present this phone in the last days of March or early April. Huawei has not yet announced the name of this phone, but according to the specifications that have come out, the phone will be very strong and can bring tough competition in the market.
Huawei MGA-AL00 specifications
As mentioned earlier, the Huawei MGA-AL00 will be a 4G smartphone. It will have a 6.75-inch OLED display panel with FHD+ resolution of 720 x 160 pixels. It will also have the security of a fingerprint scanner. The phone can come in 4 GB, 6 GB and 8 GB RAM options. 64 GB and 128 GB storage options can be seen in this. It can be equipped with a 2.0 GHz octa-core processor. The device will have Harmony operating system. MicroSD card support can also be seen in this phone for expandable storage.
In the camera specifications of the phone, dual cameras can be seen in the rear panel. However, it is not known about how many megapixels the primary lens will be. The selfie camera of the phone is said to be 8 megapixels. Talking about the battery capacity, a large battery of 6,000mAh can be seen in it. According to the 3C certification listing, 22.5W fast charging feature can also be seen in the phone. Its dimensions are stated to be 168.3 x 77.7 x 8.98mm. The phone weighs 199 grams.