Vodafone Idea (Vi) has blocked about 8 thousand SIM cards in Madhya Pradesh. The cyber police had directed various telecom companies in the state to block all SIM cards issued on fake ID cards or identity cards. A senior official said that on Tuesday, the company blocked more than 8,000 such SIM cards which were issued on fake identity cards. Actually, in Madhya Pradesh, a person had filed a complaint with the police that in 2020 he thought of buying a car after seeing it in a Facebook advertisement. But he was cheated of Rs 1.75 lakh. When the police investigated, it was found that the SIM card with which the thugs had made the call was issued on the ID card of another person.
Sudhir Agrawal, Cyber Zone Superintendent of Police, Gwalior, said, "The number used by the thugs was issued by the telecom company on the ID of another person. After that it came to know that 8 people were involved in issuing SIM cards to the people involved in the crime." People were involved."
After further investigation into the matter, the police came to know that the thugs made 20 thousand different calls using these SIM cards to rob people. The police officer said that legal action has been taken against eight people involved in issuing SIM cards for more than a year.
After investigation, the cyber unit had issued notices to various telecom companies including Vodafone-Idea, Airtel and BSNL for re-verification of these numbers. Acting swiftly on the notice, Vodafone-Idea recently blocked 7,948 SIM cards after re-verification of records.
Agarwal claimed that this is the first time in the country that a telecom company has blocked such a large number of SIM cards to protect gullible people from cheating. He said that other telecom companies are also engaged in re-verification of their records so that such fake SIM cards can be blocked.